16 August, 2010


I just wanted to let everyone know that my host brother, Amaury, is the coolest 11 year old ever. EVER. He's super nice about the fact that I often have no clue what's going on. He'll speak slower and slower and slower and slower and act out whatever it is that he's saying so I can understand. He always says bonjour! to me and is just a great kid. Yesterday, Amaury, Anne-Michele and I were in the kitchen, and there was a pie (tarte, en francais) and he asked if I wanted a piece. I said no, thanks, I'm not hungry, and he said, "Oh, I will save one for you," and he cut a piece of the tarte and put it on a plate. Anne-Michele had to explain what was going on, and said that he would leave it on the counter for me. Amaury was like, "NO! In the fridge!" and put it in the extra fridge so my other brothers, Arnaud and Adrien, wouldn't eat it. Amaury rocks. The end. :)

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