16 May, 2011


Christian and I.

Saturday I went to Brussels with Aditi, Jordan, Christian and Pius. We met up in Central Station, and walked a few blocks to the Grand Place, before settling down to faire la fête (party). Why? GAY PRIDE. The parade was on Saturday in the streets of Brussels, and it was one of the most magical atmospheres I've ever experienced. It was not just a celebration of sexuality, it was a living, physical representation of love. There were couples of every orientation there, people of all ages, Dutch, French, German and English speakers. There was even a gay-rights group from Africa. We were all celebrating LOVE.

I stayed with my friends for most of the day, but I did run into my old host sister's boyfriend, Lionel. He's a police officer in Brussels, and it was nice to catch up. He offered to drive me home, which was super nice, and saved me the cost of a train ticket! There were all sorts of booths and stands all along the parade route selling drinks, souvenirs, rainbow bracelets, necklaces, rings, flags, banners, leis, and all sorts of other things. We took pictures, we danced, we laughed, and we celebrated. I looked at the stats online, and over 45,000 people were there. Isn't that amazing?! 45,000 people all supporting the one right we all share: to love and be loved.

It was magical, plain and simple.

The Parade.

The Main Stage.

I said I wanted a piggy-back ride, and this is what I got.

Me, Jordan, Aditi and Pius.

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