23 September, 2010

La Fête de Wallonie.

The group.

Arnaud and I.


  1. Thanks so much! x

    Why not follow me at,

  2. Hi Mikayla! Thanks for stopping by! I just wanted to say that I read your other blog, Feminist Thoughts, and you had a post from February about being vegetarian, and I hope that you stuck with it! I am vegan, and have been for about 6 years, and I love it! The rewards are definitely worth it. So,I hope you stuck with it!

  3. Hi again! Wow, I really can't believe they MADE you not be a vegetarian while abroad, that sounds totally unethical, and illegal! lol but I partially understand. I studied abroad in England, and I wanted to be vegan but it was impossible to do that with school meals, so I had to wait until I was home again. But yeah, its awesome. :)

  4. This is a bunch of good looking people.
