02 September, 2010

I just set off the burglar alarm.

It's that kind of day.


  1. i dropped my host mom's ring down the sink on accident. and she's at work. it's that kind of day.

  2. maybe...
    thought it feels good when they're over right? i was just thinking about how i'm going to feel going to bed tonight realizing that this hellish day is over.
    in addition to the ring incident, my computer wouldn't start...clearly it's working now but i was kind of panicking for a little while to say the least.

  3. It does. I'm glad I'm done with school and I can just relax now. On the other hand, it's nice to finally have something go wrong. Now I won't have to worry about screwing up, you know? It's kind of like the ice finally broke. Did you manage to get the ring out?

  4. That's definitely a good point! How did the alarm going off fiasco end up anyways?
    Yes they did get the ring out!! My host mom came in to show me as I was skyping with my sister so I don't even know what they had to do to get it out, but apparently they didn't need to call a plumber! :)

  5. My host parents turned it off and then came downstairs like no big deal, and my host mom told me that if I'm the first one up, I need to go past my host brother's room and disable the alarm on the pad next to his door. She said it was actually a good thing because they were all still sleeping.

    And good! That's a relief, huh?

  6. Oh wow that's kind of weird, they sure are into security systems here aren't they!

    A TOTAL relief geezo. I was worrying about that freaking accident for the entire day!

  7. Yeah, they are. I don't really know why, since we live in the middle of the country, but hey, whatever floats their boat. :)

    And I can imagine. It would make me crazy!

  8. All the houses I've been to have had a security system (include my current host family's). It just seems weird. I feel like in CO only rich, poshy neighborhoods are the ones where ALL the houses have security systems.

    Oh the waiting was the worst part, and she was an hour late coming home from work!

  9. I just don't really understand the point... but maybe there are a lot more burglaries than we think. We do come from a pretty safe area, after all...

    And uggggh! That would be horrible! How did she react when you told her what happened?

  10. That's definitely true. And i've also heard that europe has been experiencing an increase in crime.

    It actually wasn't as bad as I expected. Her mouth definitely dropped open but then she said she's had a pair of earrings go down the drain before so she didn't seem super concerned. They got it back without calling a plumber too so it all ended up being fine :)

  11. Hmmm. That's very possible.

    And that's good. :) I'm glad it all turned out all right.
