30 September, 2010

The latest.

I know, I'm getting really bad at regular updates. I'm sorry, I'm just super busy! I'll try to post more often, okay? :)

Here's what's been happening:

Friday, 24 Septembre

Friday was a regular day at school, culminating in a fabulous geography lesson. Okay, not really, but the teacher did let us pack up five minutes early, which was nice. Friday night, my host parents hosted a dinner party kind of thing for Talia and I. All three of our host families came, in addition to some Rotarians. I had a lot of fun talking with people and gossiping with Talia and Camille, my very awesome host sister from my third family. Most of the people I talked to told me that my French has already improved, which makes me very happy. I don't want to get into a huge spiel about language right now, so I'll put it in a paragraph at the end.

Saturday, 25 Septembre

In all honesty, I don't remember what I did on Saturday. I don't think it was much of anything. I probably read a little bit of Lord of the Flies and watched "The West Wing" (I do love that show). It was a pretty calm day.

Sunday, 26 Septembre

On Sunday, Etienne and I went to a horse show near the border of Belgium and the Netherlands. It was rather chilly, but I loved it, of course. There was a competitor from the stable up the street that lets me ride, which was super cool. Etienne and I also got bracelets that gave us special access to the barns and such, but we didn't get a chance to tour them, which was unfortunate.

After the show, we tried to drive home, but the GPS we were using went a little crazy, and Etienne and I ended up in Maastricht, which is a city in the Netherlands. So, I've officially been to two countries in Europe, which I think is pretty awesome. Talia, Emma and I are hoping to go to Maastricht in the not too distant future to do some shopping and to find the Domino's (yes, the pizza place).

Sunday night, Etienne and I drove to the forest about half an hour from the house to listen for elk mating calls. Yes, I'm serious. Apparently, Etienne does this with his friends every year. It was actually really interesting. We got to see some elk in a field probably... 400 yards from where we were in the forest. It was interesting to watch the dynamics of the herd and how the males interacted. Yes, I'm a little bit of a science nerd. :) Anyway, Etienne and I left after about an hour, since it was VERY cold. We stopped at McDonald's on the way home and I had my first "American" food since being here. The menus are different here though, so that made ordering a challenge (along with the fact that I didn't know what the worker was saying to me...). But it was yummy at least.

Monday, 26 Septembre

Monday I had off from school for some sort of holiday. It's only in the Walloon region (the southern, French part), and if I'm correct, it was merely so that people could have a chance to celebrate being French. I stayed home all day and relaxed, reading and catching up on things.


A great thing happened on Monday. A fantastic, amazing, wonderful thing.

We got tickets for Lady Gaga.

November 23rd at 8 pm in Antwerp.

I am SO excited! I'm going with Talia, Emma and my host brother, Arnaud. We're all dressing up (okay, maybe Arnaud isn't...) and it's going to be CRAZY. Our seats aren't very good, but that's not the point. I'm so excited just for the music and the atmosphere. It's going to be absolutely incredible. And it's right after my birthday! I canNOT wait!

Tuesday, 27 Septembre

I had to go back to school, but Amaury didn't (LUCKY), so I drudged along trying not to fall asleep in my last class of the day. Arnaud picked me up afterward and we had a lively conversation about Valentine's Day (he's very amused by the fact that I come from Loveland), spiders and Lady Gaga's meat dress. It was rather pleasant.

That night, Amaury made waffles, and oh my goodness, they were INCREDIBLE. People don't make waffles here like we do in the U.S. You don't use syrup or peanut butter or fruit or whipped cream on waffles here, and you eat them with your hands. They're absolutely delicious, too. I told Anne-Michèle that I would like waffles for my birthday; she laughed, but she agreed.

Wednesday, 28 Septembre

Went to school. Got out early. Came home. Read The Great Gatsby (I finished Lord of the Flies). Talked to mom. Ate fondue. Went to bed.

Thursday, 29 Septembre

Today, I went to school, again. I do that a lot. At lunch, Florian told me that he heard that the actors in the Harry Potter films might be here for the premiere. HOLY CATS, I hope they are! That would be AMAZING, and would totally satisfy my desire to go to a premiere in London. I'm keeping my fingers crossed....

Anyway, after school, Talia, Emma and I went to GB (a kind of grocery store Wal-greens combo) and picked up a few things (an eraser for school, gum, chocolate, Q-tips, etc. All the essentials) before heading over to a makeup store. I'm not usually big on makeup, but I liked that store a lot. I managed to find a new mascara that I really like, which makes me happy.

Now, I'm home reading The Great Gatsby and talking to Talia and Emma about food (of course).
Here are a few things that didn't really fit into my description of the last week:


I'm still thinking in English most of the time, and I haven't had any dreams in French (that I remember, at least). However, I do find it easier to speak in French at school and with my friends. I'll ask them if a word is masculine or feminine, and then continue my sentence. I'm way more comfortable with object pronouns now, which makes me very happy. I'm starting to use "one" more as well. Last week, I was journaling while I was in étude (it's not like I actually have to do homework...) and I actually found it easier to write in French! Florian read it afterward, and politely told me that I didn't have any spelling mistakes. I know my grammar was horrible and most of the sentences probably weren't complete thoughts, but still. I journaled in French!

At the dinner party, I talked to Camille for a while, and she told me my French is better, which made me feel quite proud. I also talked to my second host family's daughter, Valérie, and she told me that I'm speaking very well, too. I've decided not to stress too much about the language, and just let it come. Life is more fun stress-free.


I was a little homesick today in math class. As you may have read, I'm in calculus, which is just NOT okay. I have absolutely NO clue what is going on. It's not because I'm not trying; believe me, I am. But there's a gap between where I finished math at Loveland and what they're learning here. I can kind of follow what the teacher is doing algebraically, but after a certain point (derivatives...) I get lost. Talia said she'd help me though (THANK YOU!) and Ericson offered as well. I think I'll make it. And if not, hey, it's Monopoly School.

Okay, you're probably confused now. Talia, Emma, Eduardo and I call everything here "Monopoly" because it feels so unreal; it's a play off of "Monopoly money." We have a lot of time on our hands.


I'm getting sick of it. Seriously. I just want fruit. And vegetables. Right now, I'm craving Broccoli. With a capital B.

Well, I think that may be all for today. I hope everyone's doing well and enjoying life!

Oh, I would also like to throw out a huge "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" to Mr. Jordan Blevins, my exchange buddy from Florida. :)


  1. Why are you so gosh-darn funny?
    Monopoly school. Getting lost in the Netherlands. Broccoli.
    You rock.

  2. Thanks. :) I'm glad you enjoy it. I'm thinking of getting it turned into a book when it's all said and done. Want a copy?

  3. i am so with you on the getting sick of chocolate thing! i mean yes it's amazing here but they eat it on everything ALL the time!
    i want strawberries.

  4. Ugh, I know. Every time I want a snack, it has chocolate in it. I just want chips, or a bagel or something NON-chocolate. Grrr.

    And strawberries. Yum. :(

  5. Oh. Mon. Dieu. The Harry Potter cast there for the premiere?! Are you freaking KIDDING me?!?!?!?! It would be MY turn to visit YOU, and I would be in your debt for LIFE!!!!!!!

  6. Hahaha. I SO hope they come. I don't know if it's legit, but I sure hope so!
