02 October, 2010

A rant about the U.S., for a change.

Applying to college really sucks.

I know that I'm qualified and capable and whatnot, but it's just such a pain in the butt to have to fill out the same information over and over and over again. Yes, my name is Mikayla. My birthday is November 19th. Have my address again (because you don't already send me three pamphlets a week about how beautiful your campus is, the exceptional cafeteria food, and your Nobel Prize-winning faculty). Yes, I'd love to list all of my courses. Sorry they're in French. I bet you'd like me to explain that! Oh wait... there isn't a box for "Additional Information" about my courses. Well, that's a bit of a problem, isn't it? Oh, I'd LOVE to write an essay about how I'd be an asset to your campus. Yes, I'm a unique individual. Just like everybody else.

Grrrrrr. I know I just need to get it done, but that doesn't stop me from griping about it.

P.S. Corndogs and pizza rolls.


  1. Ugh, college applications are obnoxious. I'm not looking forward to going through the process all over again for grad school!

  2. Ugh, I don't even want to think about that! It's just so time consuming. And they all ask the same questions anyway.
