02 January, 2011

I change host families tomorrow

I thought I was prepared for this, but I'm really not. There isn't a way to practice, to get ready. There isn't a do-over. I lived with five incredible people for 4.5 months, and tomorrow I have to leave them.

I know it's part of the exchange process, and I knew it wouldn't be easy. But I wasn't prepared for the feeling. I thought it was hard to leave my mom at DIA; I was crying then. That's nothing compared to what I feel right now. It's like a stake was driven through my heart.

I know that sounds over dramatic. It was only 4.5 months, right? Wrong. This family took me in and shared their lives. They helped me try new things, they taught me the French language, they were there for me when Mike and then Eyesick passed away. They are my family now.

I can only hope that this was as positive an experience for them as it was for me. Words will never be able to convey my gratitude.

Je vous aime, Etienne, Anne-Michèle, Nouche, Adrien, Alix et Amaury. Merci pour tout. Vous me manquez déjà. Je ne vous oublierai jamais.

Song of the Day:
Never Say Never
by The Fray

Ne pleure pas parce que c'est fini, souris parce que c'est arrive.
Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.

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