13 January, 2011

This is the worst week I've had in a LONG while.

Nothing is going right. I miss my first family, I keep getting cut off trying to talk to my best friends, I fell down the stairs, got yelled at by Père Boly, was late to French class, and my dissertation wasn't worthy of grading, apparently. Although, my professor did manage to write "inutile" (useless) at the top.

I think this is what homesickness feels like. I want nothing more than to go home right now and be with my mom and my dog and cry and be miserable in my room.

But I can't do that. I'm a grown up now, and as scary as that may be, my mommy won't always be there to comfort me. It's time to learn to self-soothe and put on my big girl pants and look the world in the eye.

Huge thanks to Miss Talia Saville for supporting me and being on my side.

1 comment:

  1. Si je peux t'aider en quoi que ce soit Mikayla, n'hésite pas. Je suis de tout coeur avec toi. Sache que ce sont des moments "normaux" dans la vie d'une étudiante d'échange, même si c'est très difficile. La vie te sourira bientôt à nouveau :) Je t'embrasse très fort, je sais que ça va aller, tu es si positive :)

