12 November, 2010


We just ate dinner, and as we were cleaning up, Anne-Michèle told Arnaud that at my house, we eat pizza for breakfast. He looked at me like I grew another head. Seriously.

Arnaud: Pizza?
Me: Yes...
Arnaud: In the morning?
Me: Yes. COLD, too. We don't heat it.

I think he's still standing in front of the fridge trying to figure out how us barbarians can walk and talk at the same time.

But I miss cold pizza.


  1. Mmmmm, cold pizza...(my husband shudders every time I eat pizza cold...LOL)

  2. Ahh Mikayla my family is the same way! One day ate lasagna from the night before for breakfast and when my host sister came downstairs she looked at me like I was crazy :P
